Happy 2018! It is a full moon morning, January 2nd. The stars are shining so brightly in the clearest of pre-dawn skies. As I gaze upwardly in respectful and appreciative wonder at the greatest of creations, a bright light is cutting across this northernmost canvas and I realize it is not a slow, shooting star but a manmade creation. It gives me pause to reflect on the gift of flight that the Wright brothers gave to all of us and inspired me to reflect on the notion that if each of us is the universe’s way of expressing itself, then what are you doing with your life to contribute to the universe? How do you ‘represent’ or play your part on the world’s stage or give back to this gift of creativity that we call the world? If we view the world as a system like the human body, each cell and organ has a role to play in the whole. How can this notion be interpreted in social terms? What role does each of us play in the larger social body? We may not be able to ‘save the world’ but how do we offer something free and good wherever we go? When I hear Louis Armstrong’s “What A Wonderful World”, he literally takes me to that world of which he sings. You see, it is all a matter of perspective. Yes, it’s unrealistic to think we can totally avoid the pain and negativity that bombards us daily in our homes, on the television, in our workplace. But we can choose to keep our ‘head to the sky’ and realize that all that is good and positive is just as free as all that is negative. We just have to choose. All that we believe is taken from us is never all that there is. We can replenish and receive by giving, which is also a free act of free will. Once we start to give back in any little way we can, we discover that our resources for giving are actually limitless and we discover a powerful potential to change our emotional perspective. When we choose to look at our resources as limitless, we begin to feel an abundance that negativity cannot reduce. We begin to feel our power and place in creation and we feel our own personal gift and ‘joy of flight’. This is my first blog on my first website and it’s just a part of how I choose to give back and express my gratitude for existence. So, I challenge you to just take a few minutes out of your week to stop and notice the unlimited free beauty that is available to us. If it’s not in front of you or beneath you or around you, then look up! Rejoice that you’re a part of that…and give something good back!