Want to change and make progress? Ask yourself W.H.Y. What’s hurting you? What’s hindering you? What’s helping you? What’s honoring you? If you can honestly answer those 4 questions, you’ll discover why you feel stuck and some possible answers to how to move forward. For example, whether it’s our career trajectory, some life event, or our future, we must answer the WHY questions in order make an accurate assessment of where we’ve been, where we are now, and where we want to go. Similar to what business professional call a S.W.O.T. analysis, we must assess our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
We so often ask ourselves ‘why’. Why me, why now, why this…but from there gain admittance to the subjective pity party rather than staying on the outside and taking an objective view of the situation. For example, if we feel hurt by something or someone we should ask ourselves why it’s hurting, not why they hurt. If we feel hindered, we should ask ourselves if it truly is a hindrance or just our perception. On the other hand, we don’t stop there but take it to the positive plane by flipping the script and focus consider the things that can help us. Then to really shift our energy, we should identity what truly honors who we are.
So the next time you find yourself asking ‘why’…really ask yourself W.H.Y.?